Psychological Practice Dr. phil. Beate Kilian
Systemic Therapy, Hypnosis, Structural Constellations, Coaching

Psychological Practice Dr. phil. Beate Kilian
Systemic Therapy, Hypnosis, Structural Constellations, Coaching


Systemic and hypnosystemic therapy has an appreciative view onto psychological problems, somatic symptoms or ways of behaviour. Not rarely, these are related to attempts of problem solving in the past which were originally well-intended. In their manner, they may be unsuitable or no longer adequate and may therefore be experienced as inappropriate or even harmful. When personal feelings or difficulties are regarded in that way, the actual underlying inner needs - e.g. for greater protection, less pain or greater recognition - become more apparent, and a change of a person's inner states and outer behaviours is facilitated. 

Every human has an intrinsic sense of what is personally helpful, fostering and healthy. My role as a therapist I therefore regard as support in order to make this knowledge accessible. Into my solution-focussed therapy, I integrate hypnosis and Structural Constellations. Frequent concerns are 

  • depression
  • chronic stress and burnout
  • anxiety, phobias and obsessive-compulsive behaviours
  • addictive behaviours
  • eating disorders
  • sleep disorders
  • chronic pain
  • trauma
  • ADHD

I am happy to answer your questions via phone or email. Contents of conversations and other information regarding the treatment all remain confidential, also towards insurances. My regular fee per hour is € 110,-. If you are in a difficult financial situation, I offer reductions.